kk something, i do now, but it crashed not pinged, nvm just forget it
scorp, why did you say that D: this will make me not kicking him.
joking, lol, bad people must be kicked really, sorry. and there are people should be kicked and another people i will only warn them and if they didn't get better, they will be kicked
Good people:
here are the people i am sure they don't really care for the clan(should get kicked)
DyLH123, sorry, he sucks at forums
toripaa, Last Activity: Jun 19, 2013
Eboy50, bad activity and low posts
and people that are half and half(50/50)(should get warning)
ICKYVICKY good ingame, bad inforum
Toxiicss good ingame, bad inforum
Pentatium, new guy
FeedMeMore, we will see after warning him
VLoveX good ingame, bad inforum
something, just accept that system and u will get good members