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[Fa] Gaming Chat~
We need one.

What games do you play, other than Toribash?

Personally, I like playing Dark Souls. Fucking awesome game... And Artorias is by far my favourite game character. I also like Super Smash.
I play super smash competitively I have a life I swear
Also my signature was inspired by it
Last edited by lillian; Dec 11, 2013 at 11:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Wow ten minutes in and it's already getting offtopic.

I got Starbound yesterday, it's kinda awesome.
Originally Posted by Slau View Post
Wow ten minutes in and it's already getting offtopic.

i noticed that too. guys behave

other than toribash i play mostly tf2, css and terraria

other games i've played and i'm willing to play again/complete are spelunky, fez and warframe

if everything goes as planned, i might get starbound aswell
I was going to pre-order starbound, but I spent all my money on Toribash. Friend got it though, looks awesome.
I generally play Terraria, Skyrim, GTA 5 and COD other times.
Mostly I play MW3 though, since the Ghosts community right now is full of douchebags.

Skyrim and GTA 5, there's not really a limit to how long you can play, but after a while; something like 300 hours; it gets mind-numbing. Finished all the quests in Skyrim though.
With Terraria, I built a floating teleportation house out of rainbow bricks and I have waterfalls coming down and whatnot so it gets a bit boring after a while.

I actually waste my life quickscoping and golding weapons in MW3, it's pretty sad. If I bothered to transfer some of my clips from my PS3 to my PC, I could show you, but kinda lazy.
My apologies.

Terraria... Got boring pretty quick :/
Starbound looks alright, more stoked for Terraria 2 though, and a Cubeworld update.
Skyrim+Mods = Fun.
Gta 5... I don't own a ps3, neither a good enough pc. It's quite fun though. Micheal is pretty badass.
I've become addicted to The Binding of Isaac. Not sure if this is good.
Last edited by Cheeseburger; Dec 14, 2013 at 06:04 PM.
Be warned, @#w#@. They are coming.
Got bored of it pretty quickly x)

I NEED a good character customization game for pc... Can't find anything... Anywhere.
I love Kingdoms of Amalur, and all kinds og medieval games.