haha yeahh and well i was arseholed in a nightclub dancing like a headcase then i go to smokers area and this guy kept saying i knocked him out a while back and i said i have no idea what your talking about mate and he pushed me. I pushed him back and then he caught me off guard completely as i wasn't expecting it at all, and he nuts me right in the face. I heard a crack and my nose leaked out blood then he backed off and said I'm sorry mate I'm sorry mate then ran inside.. luckily i was completely arseholed so it didn't actually hurt much at the time and when it stopped bleeding i forgot about it. didn't even think it could be broken. i carried on drinking and dancing like a mentalist as usual. and when the club closed i went back to my flat and kept my girlfriend up most of the night because i was being violently sick because i drank too much. then woke up the next day like.. whoa.. why does my nose hurt so much. and why is it slightly wonky. so went to AnE the next day with my girlfriend and they said its broken and i need to go in again on Thursday so they can see what to do about it :L fuck sake.