my name is neodymium, and this is my application for joining extreme. Since I'm not a good writer, here is my application:
Name: Neodymium6
Date of registration: 26/12/2013
Is this your first account
(If it's not, please explain): [x] No [ ] yes
Well this is my second account, it's been a while since i last played, i don't remember my old account's password or it's name, so its a fresh start for me.
Age: 14
Why i'd want to join Extreme: I like being in a clan, and i can find friends here to hang out with, and, to be honest, clan wars are kinda fun.
Why Extreme would want me: I don't know honestly, I'm good at judo and judofrac, not bad at aikido and taekkyon. I can be loyal to the clan( you know, no clan jumping and stuff).
Favorite mods: judo and judofrac, taekkyon, aikido and ninjutsu.
Mods you don't like?: wushu... any wushu.
Activity: 7/10
Belt: Blue.
3 replays: (in attachments)
Thanks for your time.
Last edited by Neodymium6; Dec 30, 2013 at 02:11 PM.