Christmas Lottery
Age: 13

Ign: XEpicGodX

Irl Name (optional): Kwalsky

Belt: Blue Aprox. 200 games until brown

Why do you want to join?: Someone from this clan suggested that I join, and this clan looks amazing to join anyway. So why not apply?

Skype: xepicgodx

Why should we let you in?: Since one of your clan members suggested it. So I thought I'd give this clan a try. It's entirely up to you though, whether or not I'm allowed in.
Did my Application come through? If not here it is:
Age: 13
Ign: XEpicGodX
Irl Name (optional): Kwalsky
Belt: Blue
Why do you want to join?: Because one of the clan members (I think it was DYAppX or something (I'm bad at remembering usernames)) suggested it.
Skype: xepicgodx
Why should we let you in?: Because one of the (ArT) said I should apply, so this is the application. I also want to see this clan become official. Other than that, it's entirely up to you to decide whether or not you want me in.

P.S I have no mic or video camera on my desktop at the current moment. Any communication through Skype must be completely in text. I hope this does not affect my chances of joining this clan... Wait... snoresville? I played with you on a semi-pro server today! I think you beat me several times to.

Sorry, I got really off track. I just wanted to say that I have no mic or video camera.
Last edited by XEpicGodX; Dec 17, 2013 at 06:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hey guys, I just wanted to warn all the members that I am about to get on Christmas break for school, so I will want to recruit some more over this coming weekend. So expect new members!


Can I recommend some things to help out with the clan?
So 1, you should make an application thread here to get more organized. Remember to put the link to your app thread on your clan thread (Here)
2, you should make a border/buy one.
and 3, you should make a rule board. and maybe a member list.
(I know this because I am an ex-leader of a clan)
Just helpin' out :3.
Good luck !
Turbot10 (Aikidoist in training) Looking to join a nice clan
Ex-Leader of (Thor)icians
I'll be offline for a while
Hey guys,
I just wanted to tell you that I'll be going offline in a day or two and probably won't play again until next year.
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year etc.
See you all next year, I'll post here again once I come back online.
(I just thought I'd mention this so you guys don't kick me for being inactive. I do have a reason for why I'm going offline)

Mushu lover. (Who just so happens to make textures - pm me)
(ArT) Recruitment
If you're interested in joining ArT, please copy the application below and put in your details. We will get to your requests as soon as we seem them.

ArTists Application:

IRL NAME (optional):

"The ArTists of Toribash..."
~Respect me or fear me. I don't make the rules.
Age: 15
Ign: cookiejaRR
Irl Name (optional): Monshiro
Belt: yellow
Why you want to join: djyap is asking me.. and,
I want to be a good player. i need your help..
I want to improve my skills, if you have a doubt in my skills, ask djyap about my style.