Furthermore, it impairs your judgment.
Someone who's been drinking and smoking pot is more likely to "step up" than someone who hasn't.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Originally Posted by skulfuk View Post

If I really wanted to I could spend £20 at a dealers & that would get me a bag of speed, 10 Es & a blast on a crack pipe. I wouldn't have to walk too far to get it either since my estate's full of dealers.

However if I wanted to get hold of some weed I'd not only have to travel across a few towns to find some - if any is available - it'd also cost £30 for 3gram of resin. A few years ago the same 3grams would cos £15.

Could a combination of high prices & unavailability of weed be driving smokers to other drugs?

this is one of the reasons why i think it should be legal. If it was it would remove the connection with harder drugs completely. You'd get your weed from the government knowing that its not been sprayed with fiberglass or mixed with plastic and henna, you wouldn't be offered anything harder or ripped off and your money would go on to do something useful rather than to some drug dealer. If it was legal it would remove the novelty for underagers somewhat as well, telling someone something is not allowed makes them want to do it more.

I think when people smoke it and the vast majority realise it isn't giving them schizophrenic fits like the government/media say they lose faith in the government/media as a reputable source of drugs information and disregard what is said about harder drugs as well. Same applies to the '10 times stronger than 10 years ago' bollocks, 10 years ago the average thc content was 12.7% or something, 10x12.7 = 127% THC?!! i want some of that please governments, where the hell are they getting their statistics.

Its just silly putting weed alongside hard drugs when people could just try it at 18 without having to commit a crime and most likely move on afterwords. Currently its being left open for kids to smoke soapbar (nickname for extremely impure hash like skul mentioned, full of rubber and plastic) all day cos its cheap, if it were legal none of that would be going on.

its just madness, they are not trying to reduce harm at all they are sitting trying to defend their fat profits from the pharmaceutical industry and the alcohol lobby. Grrrrr.
Youshop | Art
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
once again i'm to lazy to read all of what you said spree, but I'm sick and tired of people saying, that people only do it because its against the law, murdering people is against the law, do you have a craving to kill now?

yes its true when your young, you like to disobey your parents, and some people do enjoy breaking the law, but weed is not one of them, every single person i know who smoked weed, smoked it because of curiosity, or peer pressure.

I celebrated 4/20 out of curiosity. None of my friends do it because of peer pressure, but peer pressure is a big cause of marijuana usage. Young kids hate authority figures because they are being taught what they think they shouldn't be taught when really what they are learning is useful, they just don't think it is. People use marijuana is being used for many different reasons, some of which I already know but many others I do not.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
dont know if this is still being debated
but marijuana should be legalized for all purposes
-medicinally marijuana can relieve pain for a large number of applications, and there was also small research done (i dont have the source) that showed how some cannabinoids in marijuana cause bronchiole cells to die and regenerate, which could help prevent lung and bronchiole cancer
-recreationaly the only reason its illegal is because its a narcotic, which basicly means it makes you tired, and changes your state of mind. its non-addicting, and a healthy alternative to cigs, alcohol, and other drugs. i dont see where people get this gateway bullshit from, if someone is going to smoke crack its not because they smoked marijuana, they'l smoke it either way. yeah alot of tests on marijuana are fucked up because the government censors the answers to the way they want to brainwash society, like take for one: they tested tar contents of a cigarette compared to a joint, but they used marijuana leaves... and you dont smoke marijuana leaves- you smoke marijuana buds and flowers, which contain about 1/8th the tar per volume as tobacco leaves.
-vaporizers. use a vaporizer and you dont inhale ANY tar, and inhale significant amounts less of all known carcinogens (cancer causing agents) found in marijuana, AND elminiate carbon monoxide. the vaporizer heats the buds to a temperature right below combustion so there is no smoke, and a much healthier inhalation. using a vaporizer all night has been shown to be healthier on the lungs than spending a night walking in the city.
legalize it.
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
Once again, people just randomly say its not a gate way drug, with nothing to back it up, you tell that to my like 6 friends who started to do E after they smoked weed.

weed makes you comfy with drugs, which allows you to try other drugs with out fear, also buying and smoking weed introduces you to kids who do that kind of stuff.

Kinda my point I raiser earlier.

Originally Posted by skulfuk View Post
People can go looking for "the next high" (cliché) and find a harder substance.

I'm not saying weed is a gateway drug, and I'm not saying it isn't. It depends on the person, their social circle and a whole load of other things.

I started on 'harder' drugs, and weed didn't appear in my life till way later - hell if I'd only been smoking that I wouldn't have screwed up at school so badly.
(I was a grade A student, but one with a bad drug problem. You can imagine how that ended.)

I'm not sure what it's like in other places, but over here in the UK it's all about availability & cost. A few years back it was common to see a bunch of kids with a lump of cheapo resin that they'd all pitched in to buy, but now it's a different story.
We've also go the rave culture over here, and smoking weed's not part of it, it's all Es and speed. That particular group of people are having it easy these days - the cost of an Es gone down from the £15 it was when I was a teenager to £2.50 - £3.00, and the same is true of MDMA, speed, acid, LSD - the list goes on... as do the raves!

The only drugs over here that cost the same as they did 10-15 years ago are coke & heroin.

The only drug that's had it's price raised is (all forms of) weed.

Everything else is literally priced for pocket money.

God bless the Queen & all that I guess... >.>

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
Once again, people just randomly say its not a gate way drug, with nothing to back it up, you tell that to my like 6 friends who started to do E after they smoked weed.

weed makes you comfy with drugs, which allows you to try other drugs with out fear, also buying and smoking weed introduces you to kids who do that kind of stuff.

how about beer? in my place first drug for most junkies who i know was beer or other alchoholic beverages. and/or tobacco.

i think its more like 'omg weed is not that bad,they lied to me! lets do some H then,its must be harmless too'.