Name: ezzat
Belt:black belt 2nd dan
What my skills are? im pretty good at decapping, and taking down an enemy
about me: i am a funny guy, i hate to talk allot. i never got banned and i have no alts
Well! Seeing as I'm back <3 ezzat gets a no from me, mainly because the app was effortless and too small. And it wasn't freeform.
I don't even know if this was dedicated or not. but i would say no because i feel it is missing key parts.
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Hi, my name is Isaac Davis, or XfirekingX. I am 13 years old, and live in West Virginia, USA. I am blue belt, and am active ingame everyday. In forum, I look at it every couple of days. My previous clan is Eternal Assassins. I left because they were too inactive, and I want to join a more skillful clan. I see I have come to the right place. I have no bans or infractions. A reason you would want me in your clan, is because I am easy to get along with. I can make clan videos. Reason I want to join, is because I see that y'all are skilled and give discipline enough to have a good clan.

I hope you can consider inviting me. Thank you for your time

Fire, cause I'm feeling harsh. I'm going to say no. For a couple reasons.

No. Your app is bad. You say you're active on forums but you're not. Your posts show that. You say you've never been banned. That's why, not enough posts. You're barely active mate. No from me.
Arthur Moderated Message:
Err.. wasn't there a rule about not judging by the amount of posts people have? The very notion of that discredits your opinion. I say no to your no(or you can edit your post).
Last edited by Arthur; Dec 29, 2013 at 05:58 PM.
Being active on forum does not mean posting a thousand times Miku, if we take for example Kodi. Kodi has been playing for a while now and is active on the forums but he has FEW posts...

Just pointing that out.
<@Scorp> koor i love you