Faboulous opener, Looked sweet and got uke flying,
Nice setup landing from the little scoot jump you did right after wards
Sweet ass spin to a badass landing going to the spin launchoff,
Lovely boom on legs,
Then the best part, The spin grab into the just...gorgeous decap
Was smooth and uaurgeuirf perf,
You made the last boom look sweet, little lazy setup for it but sweet as fuck
Pose is gorgeous aswell,
Love your fucking flow and great booms,
Really great positioning and well, Just great job
Don't really know what the fuck it is i'm talking about since i suck at dm's
But oh well, I loved the replay.
An Honest 10/10 from me mang <3
Keep doing what your doing, And tb god next you will be (Gone yoda so time to say bai)