Christmas Lottery
well, yes we can.
have a nice day.
Last edited by Scorpio; Jan 12, 2014 at 10:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Age: 17
User Card:

My card is nothing to double take at but for a long time was shared between a bud and me. 5th dan black belt.
Past Clans: Evil, Silver, Guardians, Archangels
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): Musician, and learning the ropes of After Effects.
Infraction History: 3 minor fracs, offtopicness
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): I've been a long standing member of the TB community, I've been through a lot here, experienced a lot. I've taken notice to CW for it's integrity, and healthy culture. I love the way you guys conduct yourselves around here and I think of myself as a great asset to you guys. I hope to make some great memories here and am willing to help out in any way I can. I've recently been getting back into a groove with Lenshu, and of course Aikido which proves to be my strongest suit as of now. Aside fromt toribash I've taken up a career in the music business. I do mostly electronic music, Dubstep, or anything that gets your head bobbin ;). I'd be happy to share with you guys if anyone's interested. I'd hate for you guys to judge me on this part but I'm gunna be honest, I am a brony. I've seen the darkest corner of bronies, and can vouch to say a lot of them are freaks. But I try not to associate with them. I'm not in any obsession, and I wont sit here and rub it all over your faces, or nonetheless obnoxious, but I've run into some rough patches with some people in the past and I want to be honest with you guys. I'm recognized by most of the clans I've taken part of to be a loyal member for the time I spent. Evil was my home for a long time before the road got rocky at the end.

Attached Files
Jesut - Candy Before Dinner.rpl (176.9 KB, 3 views)
Jesut - Playin With Gravity.rpl (135.4 KB, 3 views)
git sum poo.rpl (52.0 KB, 3 views)
Jesut - Polarized WIP.rpl (76.8 KB, 3 views)
Necked.rpl (87.2 KB, 3 views)
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Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans:
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other):
Infraction History:
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc):
My application is supported by CW member:
Replays: Post here at least 3 replays

Selling tc via paypal , pm me
Originally Posted by Owca View Post

>leaving it out simply implies a lack of, simply simples right?
Last edited by thejesut; Jan 22, 2014 at 02:44 AM.
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Originally Posted by Powas View Post


Oh dear god what have I done. On behalf of my retardedness, I thought this was merely stating that at least one member needs to say yes.

I'll be on my way
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hi,im coolin1 people calling me Rendi Wiliam in real life, im from Indonesia and my gmt is +7, i am greenbelt(almost bluebelt)i am 13 years old, i never join any clan before, i am good in judo, aikido, abd, and wushu, my hobby is playing toribash, i am almost active in forum and i am very active ingame, my rank is around 50000 maybe, mt win ratio is 68%maybe, i hope you invite me
Eh, really, try to get into an active clan, make friends etc.
We're not the best place to start your clan adventure.