Originally Posted by daman View Post
the little dell mask looks like u copied and pasted

no i didn't i open the windows (cause i thought it was dell, but i was wrong) logo, and i made an exacly same thing without copy and paste, beside i don't know how to copy and paste in GIMP 2
3 weeks later, they are still not here....
Bloxam: TBH...
Bloxam: i like boys more than girls
Dr_NoXious: i see
Dr_NoXious: is now Offline.
Hey whatsup wolfboy! Nice shop but i have a question, how do you post the spinning heads on the forums? I want to try and start a shop also!
I Burn With A Passion To (bleep) All Your Moms
George W. Bush: Master of low expectations and son of one HOT mother!