Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Rolandman View Post
Real Name:Roland
Belt (3rd Dan Black Belt or higher):Currently 7th dan,
Steam Name (optional):None
Skype Name (optional):Sadly, still none.
Why do you want to join (go into detail! Togo loves to read 3 page essays! Oh wait... No he doesn't so don't make it to long!):I honestly love helping out new clans, making me feel like I wanna join. Also Togo and I were in the same clan a few months ago, and I heard he joined Warhead. I wanted to join this in the first place, because I love helping out new clans, and I believe I'll help out in a certain way/
What can you offer WarHead? (Skills, Humor, art, etc... Please show proof of this! If it's "Humor", I want a really good joke.): I'm not too good at humor. However I'm a pretty good replaymaker.
Something interesting about you (again... Togo doesn't like reading 3 page essays):Well first of all, I'm a pretty good replaymaker imo. I don't have much interesting points. I'm a great help, I can also be trusted.
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't:A potato whirch I wish I was. A good aikido player.
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone?:I know Togo, but he didn't invite me to join the clan.
Previous clans?:Backflips. Xp. Electric. Legendary. These are all I could think of as of right now.
Time zone: It's 2:27 AM as of right now, so If I were to guess, I'd say -2:00
Previous names/alt accounts?: F0amhand.
In-game activity on a scale of 1-10:6
Forum activity on a scale of 1-10:8.2
Please Type "WarHead is the best" as creatively possible 3 times:WaRhEaD Is ThE BeSt. Warhead has alot of potential and is the best clan ever. I luv warhead and it is the best clan I ever encountered.
Player card (optional... but recommended):
We require a minimum of 2 replays (at least 1 single player, more preferred). If your skill is ingame related, then post anywhere up to 7 replays.

This ain't one of the best app's I've created, I hope it gets me in though.

well man your app wasnt all that. i dont really know you to well, i dont know shit about wushu but you didnt seem that good and its your favorite mod. your single player replays were ok but not good either and that seems to be your best quality. i also dont like sarcasm like "warhead is the best clan i ever encountered" because we deffinately arent allthough i think maybe someday we will be great its a no for me man thank you for applying.
Originally Posted by Rolandman
I honestly love helping out new clans, making me feel like I wanna join. Also Togo and I were in the same clan a few months ago, and I heard he joined Warhead. I wanted to join this in the first place, because I love helping out new clans, and I believe I'll help out in a certain way

We aren't really looking for people who are trying to help out the new clan. We are looking for long term active members..

Just go back and edit you post... make the app looks professional.
Real Name:My name is Isaac Davis, nice to meet you.
Age: I am 13, may 26 2000
Belt (3rd Dan Black Belt or higher):blue (it says we can apply even if we dont meet standards)
Steam Name (optional):I havent made one yet.
Skype Name (optional)
Why do you want to join (go into detail! Togo loves to read 3 page essays! Oh wait... No he doesn't so don't make it to long!): I want to join mainly for kindness and hospitality. But it never hurts to be in a skilled clan. I just played a tourny with someone in this clan, and see from the looks of it, yall are good.
What can you offer WarHead? (Skills, Humor, art, etc... Please show proof of this! If it's "Humor", I want a really good joke.):I offer video making, humor, some art, and happiness. a joke- what does a woman and a frying pan have in common? you have to heat em up before you throw in the meat.
Something interesting about you (again... Togo doesn't like reading 3 page essays):
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't:I like to skateboard, play toribash, sing, and play drums. I have played drums literally all my life. Got my first drumset at the age of 1. I am in my school chorus. I have been playing toribash for almost a year I believe.
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone?:I cant remember their names but yes.
Previous clans?:I was in Eternal Assassins before this. I left because they were too inactive and boring.
Time zone: I cant remember, but 'Murica
Previous names/alt accounts?: None this is my only account.
In-game activity on a scale of 1-10:9- I play almost everyday, but take breaks
Forum activity on a scale of 1-10:7 because i dont post everyday, but check everyday.
Please Type "WarHead is the best" as creatively possible 3 times: Warhead is the best at war---- warhead is the best in toribash----warhead is the best clan ever.
Player card (optional... but recommended):I dont know how to link to here.
We require a minimum of 2 replays (at least 1 single player, more preferred). If your skill is ingame related, then post anywhere up to 7 replays.
Attached Files
Split the fan.rpl (16.6 KB, 8 views)
Criss Angel.rpl (8.3 KB, 8 views)
Arms & legs for floor.rpl (21.9 KB, 8 views)
If you use a singleplayer twinswords replay, It's and auto-reject for me.
[21:19] <@Arctic> n sei pq o ed foi tirar o pinto mano
como pinto no almoço