Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post
It's very hard to stay well. The temperatures constantly change, giving me nosebleeds, panic attacks, fevers, and many more annoying things that send me to the hospital.

Woah temperatures are THAT extreme where you live?


The only thing that the temperature can do to me in where I can live is give me fevers or a cold


Is it wrong to have never touched snow in your whole entire childhood

Because it never snows here

I wonder how snow feels >_<
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
We're so inactive lately :c I need to come back, um, not this weekend but next I may have time to play with some of you depending on if you make plans, k?
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Hunh. I think almost everyone in Hunters is just lurking through the clan thread. Once a great topic is up most will become "active".

I think a great topic right now would be about Feminists. What do you think about them? I myself haven't talked to a real feminist yet where one would get logical explanation. Any of you have encountered one yet?
I asked this topic because in my College, there have been women declaring that they are feminists yet they don't exactly know what rights they're fighting for. It's like a trend. I don't get why. But most of the ladies who KNOW what feminism actually is, seems to be indifferent about it.
Last edited by Gotkicks2; Feb 21, 2014 at 08:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Well, in some parts of the world it should be recognised that women are the weaker sex and do have loads of disadvantages compared to men, often because of traditional or ethical reasons, which really don't fit into the modern time we live in. So, yes why not?. Women should definitely demand their right, however it just so often happens that the rights they demand don't always stand for equality between men and women but rather for a hierarchy were women are on top. I’m not quit sure if all the women actually know what they are demanding or protesting about in the first place when it comes to feminism.

Also, yes we all seem to be lurking around lately, but I have the feeling that not all of us are on Skype. Skype is were its at guys, that's were we talk nonsense, its basically our off topic thread. Maybe, if we get everyone on skpye there may be more involvement as well.
I agree with them, as long as they're aiming for equality and not superiority. Women have been at a disadvantage for thousands of years, that can't be denied by a rational person. Even today men usually make more money doing the exact same job.I can't think of a non-patriarchal society off the top of my head. Traditionally men have provided income and women have taken care of kids/taken the role of a housewife. Which has led to all sorts of unhappy situations. Let's say you're female and you're married with kids. 15 years after that your marriage falls apart, and if you've been a housewife for that long, you have almost no work experience, presumably the child will stay with you and you're out of luck if your spouse is not financially capable(even though courts generally favor women in the event of a divorce) and willing to pay any sort of maintenance. As long as you're human you can get screwed, but it is easier if you are a woman, I think. In modern western society, however, they can use that fact to their advantage. Almost any man can get his life pretty much ruined if any female accuses him of raping or trying to rape her(using an extreme example to get the point across). He could be the greatest guy to have ever lived, treated everyone with due respect and never did anything wrong, yet any girlfriend/ex/whatever can ruin his life if she so chooses to. Even if he is proven innocent, the social stigma would stay. At least that'd be my guess.

My view is that anything that men do women should be allowed to do as well. The very fact that this is not a universal view is unsettling. I don't consider any gender to be superior in any discernible way, each have their strengths and their weaknesses.

I can't say I've spoken to any real feminists either, but I'm usually very respectful towards females and I've never had any serious problems with them. They're human, I treat them as such, and for the most part we get along just fine. I get along with reasonable people very well - skin color, ethnicity or gender don't matter. I know for a fact that I've met females that are smarter than me, and I've also met several that could probably kick my ass if it ever came to that(a lot of guys have real trouble accepting that thought, but train in any combat sport for long enough and you will see that there are girls better than you).
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Sometimes I'm against them. They call us pigs, fatties, idiots, perverts. But I can also treat them the way they want to be treated.

I think they're being the jerks by calling us the many names they give us.

If I ever see one doing so, I'll ask them if they know about the men trying to lose weight, keep their shape, & defend their women. And then ask them about the prositutes.
Those exist. I'm not saying I'm defending men, I'm saying that women can be the same AND men are probably doing what they do, or the other way around. Does anybody remember that picture lordtiger posted from 9gag? The gender equality thing.

Women say that men only want their "specialties" while they also want ours.