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The thermosphere, which is the hottest layer of the atmosphere, is about a couple of hundred degrees...but if you were to be put in the middle of it, you'd freeze. Immediately. Why? Because temperature is the average speed at which the atoms around you move...and there's an extreme lack of atoms in the thermosphere, let alone space. There's something new for you guys. Now it's your turn.
•You're bananas!
Originally Posted by ysome View Post
Anyone going to write a story about how Oblivion ended up here?

Once upon a time there was a clan called [Ally]. They were the most annoying little shits ever, and pretty much everyone hated them. One day, the members of the Alliance decided to change their name. After a long and arduous debate, it was decided that the new name they would take on would be Oblivion.

When a leader left and appointed another in his place, The Great Purge began. Democratic votes took place to decide who would be thrown out of the clan and who would stay. After nearly two full days of discussion, everything was decided. The hindrances were gone, and the backbone of the newly named Oblivion was left to recruit new members, under a strenuous application process. Somehow, the king of the dicks managed to slip past the screening process, eventually becoming a leader.

After a short time, he abandoned his clan, taking nearly all of the clan's money from the bank with him. One long debate later with the lawmen, he returned useless items he had purchased with the stolen funds, and yet another purge began. Afterwards, the final form of Oblivion had shown itself.

The End

Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Jan 29, 2014 at 03:59 AM.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Once upon a time there was a clan called [Ally]. They were the most annoying little shits ever, and pretty much everyone hated them. One day, the members of the Alliance decided to change their name. After a long and arduous debate, it was decided that the new name they would take on would be Oblivion.

When a leader left and appointed another in his place, The Great Purge began. Democratic votes took place to decide who would be thrown out of the clan and who would stay. After nearly two full days of discussion, everything was decided. The hindrances were gone, and the backbone of the newly named Oblivion was left to recruit new members, under a strenuous application process. Somehow, the king of the dicks managed to slip past the screening process, eventually becoming a leader.

After a short time, he abandoned his clan, taking nearly all of the clan's money from the bank with him. One long debate later with the lawmen, he returned useless items he had purchased with the stolen funds, and yet another purge began. Afterwards, the final form of Oblivion had shown itself.

Hey, uh, yeah, that is an Oblivion story, I think you are forgetting about like, oh, say, half the clan. Although I do like it so far, but Risk is pretty obviously the king of dicks. Maybe we could blend yours in some way with temp's.
Last edited by Toolfree; Jan 29, 2014 at 02:53 AM.
my clan was deleted
Originally Posted by Erif View Post


I like this.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
The story needs a bit more about how awesome ysome is. You forgot that part. Add it, and I approve.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Originally Posted by Toolfree View Post
The only natural predator of the great white shark is the orca/killerwhale.

Believe it or not, I knew this.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Did you know that pecans come from a fruit?
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandër: No, they call it "Business Assets"
Check the story again.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.