I'm selling marlboro lights the collector's item for only 65k
Also selling colletor's card for 16k
Flame ID 2426 - 75k (no)- Flame ID 60 - 60k (no)
- Flame ID 2981 & 3264 - 200k both (no)
- Flame ID 2760 & 3256 - 125k both (no)
- QS Force - 13k <---- already got an 16k offer.
- Gentleman's Essentials - (Check market) 20k more please? didn't check market ptice lately.
- Candy Locks x3 - 15k each raise a lot. i know you want to.
- Full 256 (include head) - Insanity already seld one for 110k. so, 91k not really mind to sell it for that low. it believe that price was mistaken spectaculated and didn't recognized.