Personal Info
Real Name: Jake R.
Age: 14
In-game Info
Belt: 10th Dan black, around 600 from master
How much time you spend on TB: I try my best for a few hours a day.
Number of tourneys won(If any): ingame tournaments... around 19, forum tournaments, the only one was the March madness.
Forum Info
Forum Activity(Not 0 to 10): 8-9
Favorite Threads(If any): My favorite forums are the clan forums and hall of shame.
Organizations(If any): None.
Quick Explanation on why you want to be a part of Fyre(min. 15 words):]Fyre was a clan I had first seen when I joined toribash. I liked how you guys treat others and each other. I cannot offer much to the clan, except another fighter and forum active member.
If I am required to post replays please notify me. Thank you!