When life is a bitch, just smile, walk up to somebody you hate and kick them in the balls. If they are a girl, pull their hair out.
Shutup Fallu u know wat i meant.
I'm a skilled wushu ,lenshung3 and rk-mma player
Hi guys and sorry for my inactivity but i had a school project that took all my time. But now i finished it and i am back. I did a war vs (diamonds) exactely vs beatz and lost 7-6, sorry. But the funniest thing is that in the last matcouldh when we was 6-6, he did a miss click and i did too haha :P. Today i am really happy, i don't know why maybe cuz i have just one homework :P so i will do it in 5 mins then i will be ingame. Emile001 is back!!!
Last edited by Fire; Mar 3, 2014 at 02:55 PM.

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Wow 1frost is banned for entering muliple teams via alts
He shoul have changed proxy lol
I was going to do that but i said ill be banned for it
INB4 14 days ban