I'm Able to spar but I think I'm rusty ;)
for the story, Hell Yeah! I'm ok what you think about for the beginning, put a black screen and "Ascend"
I will develop that after I have to do something :3
Hé Hé for the beginning I let you formulate that but *black screen*-> "Ascend", first replay, "the world has been taken by demons", we have to make replays where we don't see you, and where you Destroy Uke in stress(like on this replay) I gonna create a special texture for demons ^^ after that, Ascend Coming by air, try to make a stylish landing from assassin tower.tbm, I will photoshop all of us to make look like... I don't how to say that ^^u, we will be all in the photo like that (-(-(-(-_-)-)-)-)
what do you think about that music?
Last edited by Astral; Mar 13, 2014 at 09:41 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump