Christmas Lottery
Are you saying that if you only ever saw white swans in your life that means the simple answer that there are only white swans in existence is usually true?
Karl Popper solved that problem in his book The Logic of Scientific Discovery.

I have actually no idea about anything concerning the problem discussed in this thread. I am just saying you are dead wrong by assuming Occam's razor to be actually useful for anything. Here is a simple video showing you why
How are you?
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
I have actually no idea about anything concerning the problem discussed in this thread. I am just saying you are dead wrong by assuming Occam's razor to be actually useful for anything. Here is a simple video showing you why

I haven't even assumed it to be useful. It's a guiding principle. Until the simplest answer is disproved, it makes no sense to speculate on more complicated answers, particularly if you have no evidence to support them. It's illogical, and inefficient, to work backwards from least probable to most probable when trying to determine what is truth. It wastes too much time.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
You are the one calling my explanation ridiculous, look at the others and I am not very informed on this subject. So I done my best to make a hypothesis.
If you aren't informed, get informed. Ignorance isn't an excuse for poorly formed ideas. You have the time to do a bit of research, albeit on what little there actually is available, so take the time and effort to do it. The world can wait to see your post.

People seem to forget, you're entitled to your opinion just as much as somebody else is entitled to point out your opinion is wrong/stupid/uninformed. And if they bothered to bring facts to the table, then all the worse for you. If you can't back up your opinion, anticipate being ridiculed for it.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
The prime minister of Malaysia has made a statement that the plane ended up in the indian ocean and assumed no survivors. This is really heart breaking.
Parkour like you've never seen before:
He made a statement but did he even prove his statement? And, by my news channel it says that the plane may be near Aus.
Team Sad
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
It is found in the pacific ocean
if noone knew

It's the southern Indian Ocean it's suspected of being in. They haven't found any debris yet, but using an algorithm and black box ping data, two British companies have determined that the plane likely crashed in the southern parts of the Indian Ocean, not the Pacific.

And the Indian Ocean is adjacent to Australia. And they spotted debris off the coast of Australia, in the Indian Ocean. They don't know if it's debris from the plane yet.
Last edited by Oracle; Mar 25, 2014 at 05:30 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games