Real Name: Marcia
Age: 16
Belt (3rd Dan Black Belt or higher): Black :c
Steam Name (optional): Captain Creeper (ugh dont ask pls)
Skype Name (optional):
Why do you want to join (go into detail!): I can add all the TC I get after I'm done getting a persia force, and I could help this clan get this clan official.
What can you offer WarHead? (Skills, Humor, art, etc... Please show proof of this! If it's "Humor", I want a really good joke!): Skills at ABD and aikido, check replays. I can also make cool logos and stuff with PDN if it doesn't include drawing.
Something interesting about you:. I can play piano and saxophone really well
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't: Drawer
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone?: No :x
Previous clans?: Ace
Time zone: -5 GMT
Previous names/alt accounts?: No
In-game activity on a scale of 1-10: 8
Forum activity on a scale of 1-10: 5
Please Type "WarHead is the best" as creatively possible 3 times:
Warhead be ye best guild to be able to set yon feet on ye land
Arheadway siay hetay estbay lancay
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Player card (optional... but recommended):
We require a minimum of 2 replays (at least 1 single player, more preferred). If your skill is ingame related, then post anywhere up to 7 replays.
Check them, I'm on iPad so I can't post replays.
Last edited by Nerfpls; Mar 27, 2014 at 04:36 PM.