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Bet rooms, what happened?
Every bet room I go in, if they do not have decapprize, players leave. What the hell did this community turn into? I used to host bet rooms 24/7 5-6 months ago, and NEVER needed no god damn decap prize.... Bet rooms are ment for 1 thing: BETTING, AND HAVING FUN. Not decap prize to keep the damn thing alive. If you want money that bad, go fight in tourneys.... You go to a bet room to simply bet.... It's not called "Decap Prize room with small bets" it's called "BETTING" "BET ROOM".....

So, who started this whole ordeal with decap prize being needed to keep a god damn bet room alive? whoever did, slap yourself silly.

If you agree with me, at least you got common sense, if not... Stop being money hungry man.

X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
You haven't been to good bet servers yet.

Ive gotten 50k profit just from betting alone.

decapprize keeps the high betters interested.

Its boring just sitting there, the decap prize adds suspense.
I was in a room that just got globaled, first fight, decap prize was taken and everyone said "Wtf, fuck this server" and started to leave...

I am sure betting solely alone adds suspense.

Sorry to say, if I ever host, my bet room will have 0 decap prize unless people add it themselves.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Then that's on you but don't rage at people because they choose to host with a decapprize.

and that's happens rarely, but you wouldn't know cause you just returned.

You are basing your opinion on only a small amount of betting servers you have been too.
Past 6 bet servers that I went into, "Decap prize or leaving". If I find one bet server that plays old school betting rules, then I will love the host for life.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
There have been way more than just 6.

You're arrogant and don't want to except what is better and it is kind of annoying.

So what if people leave when the decapprize is taken. Why is it your problem?
Because I hate people like that. Simple. If they only come for decap prize, then they should not join the bet room. Betting should only be BETTING.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
That is your opinion, no need to force it on others.

If you don't like it, then don't join. Don't join the betting servers just to complain.

There isn't much you can do to fix it. If anything host your own. That is it.
I actually agree Deak, These "Decapprizes" can be kinda lame, But not always the case. You can have a successful bets lobby without them, But I agree that they are expected to be there by the community.
I wouldn't say I hate the people but I did prefer it when Decapprizes weren't a thing in bets.
The thing is, why complain about it.

It's not like if you complain enough they will go away.

Just host with out one. Simple no need to go out on a rage and say you hate everybody cause they have adapted to what others have been doing for quite awhile. No one deserves it. Decapprize is a trend and like all trends it will die not anytime soon but Im sure it will.

Soon enough there will be a way to get a decap with out trying very hard and as soon as everybody learns how to do that then it will be over.