smoking kills your mom..., sup new guy. hows it baking?, man i wana play so bad... my comps at school have proxy blockers. so i cant get on a game or download it. sux. i wana keeelll.... aaaggaaaiiiinn... haha. i just smoked a few bowls, some good shit man. i gota save some for this weekend w/ humansmoke
[eVo] [BaKeD]
Haha, uninformed pot naysayers crack me up. Pot has hardly any bad side affects,unlike cigarettes, and is a very good medicine for sore or tense muscles, etc.
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
Yo? Curtis dude Sup man ..i was wondering why u wernt on
i thought u got stoned and got lost in some place *maybe vegas*
Anyways good to see u back ..on tb
reset ur pass or sumthin fix ur msn.
Anyways dude i got a head texture
did ur pc get crushed or sumthin .

LOl hows life dude
nice to see u back

man pm me I missed ya
JaCk Is BaCk
Hillaaarious kid. Why didn't you PM him?
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
Originally Posted by ofCannibis View Post
smoking kills your mom..., sup new guy. hows it baking?, man i wana play so bad... my comps at school have proxy blockers. so i cant get on a game or download it. sux. i wana keeelll.... aaaggaaaiiiinn... haha. i just smoked a few bowls, some good shit man. i gota save some for this weekend w/ humansmoke

I joined Phantom before you... you trippin', it's me!
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.
Originally Posted by DoubleFort View Post
Hillaaarious kid. Why didn't you PM him?

LOl i really dont no thats if u wer talking to me
JaCk Is BaCk