Christmas Lottery
Original Post
So I almost lived today
Hey everyone, I'd just like to say, if you see an opportunity in life don't fucking ignore it. I literally am letting all my goals and aspirations dry up because I'm too lazy and scared to go out and capture anything. I get caught up in a current of monotony and I get smashed underneath the expectations others have set for me. I at one point accepted this sad existence, but then I was like fuck this. I'm not living, I'm just slowly dying, fuck drowning, I'm gonna live.
Better than getting caught in a rip and smashed up against razor sharp barnacles by 8 foot waves, amirite?

I don't know what all this "I'm not living yet" bs is, but why do you need to pursue dreams and goals?
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Mar 29, 2014 at 10:32 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Better than getting caught in a rip and smashed up against razor sharp barnacles by 8 foot waves, amirite?

I don't know what all this "I'm not living yet" bs is, but why do you need to pursue dreams and goals.

Weirdest shit ever.

That video made me feel so uncomfortable. That voice will haunt my dreams forever now.

damn you...
Also, Good job referencing Datskips post OP.
why tho