Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[TGS]Hug says (It's serious)
Good part of the day, my dear friends. I won't say many thing about me now. All i want to say that i have big troubles inside my family. I'm talking about my father and m mother. I know that you don't care about my family and for sure you shouldn't care about that for real. All i want to say...
I'm going to go inactive for short time. I hope...
So... Special sorry to:
1. Stacy. I'm sorry that I'm so retard and can't finish your set yet. My words about free set are still alive. I didn't spend your tcs so in any time you can return it.
2. Orko. I'm not active ingame player in your clan and now I'm going to be inactive forum member. Sorry about that, Chaney. I hope you won't blame me about that...
3. Natejas. Sorry that i can't join in your request now. If i will back before it will be done - I'll try to do my best.
The other side i hope I'll back fast. And... I won't scare you but... I don't know what will happen with me. I hope I will be ok but... If somethng will happen... Remember that I never chose clans as possibility to get any prizes etc. Clan is really big thing for me. I never join clan that i don't like. I love this clan. I love you, guys. You are cool. Trust me. You are. Sorry for my emotions but... I want just tell you that. You can thik that I'm joking... Furthmore you'd better to think like that, Well... See ya later, guys!
~With love. Hug.
I'm sorry to hear that, Max. I hope you'll return shortly. Good luck to you and your family for whatever you're going through.

And no, we've had members that haven't even logged into the forum for months on end and I never thought bad about them so don't worry, you won't be ostracized or anything of the sort.

Best of luck to you man, hope everything turns out okay for you.
Last edited by millie; Mar 30, 2014 at 09:58 PM.
Sorry to hear about your family troubles, Hug. Sorry to hear you're going inactive, but I wish you and your family the best.
Лишь один совет тебе, друг мой.
Не придавай столь важность к тому, что происходит.
Старайся быть нейтральным, используя своё тело, как марионетку для выявления эмоций.
Заметь, чем больше важности придаёшь к происходящему, тем хуже всё происходит для тебя.
Ты вызываешь много избыточных потенциалов, они включают равновесные силы. И именно равновесные силы готовят тебе неслабый пинок под зад.
Не буду пудрить тебе мозги, в общем.
Будь осторожен!
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Good luck, remember we love ya no matter what happens
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Yeah Hug, best of luck with what's happening right now. I hope to see you soon!
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog