[S] Deactivated
128x128 Chest Texture
128x128 Ground Texture
128x128 Head Texture
128x128 Left & Right Bicep
128x128 Stomach
Vampire Relax
Chronos Force
128x128 Head Texture
Are you selling hit sounds separately?
if so, hit sound 1 and 4: 600 TC
I would rather sell them as a whole set. But individually, 650tc each.
Originally Posted by ajiskempet
[S] Deactivated
128x128 Chest Texture
128x128 Ground Texture
128x128 Head Texture
128x128 Left & Right Bicep
128x128 Stomach
Vampire Relax
Chronos Force
128x128 Head Texture
Not interested.
Originally Posted by KooopeR
hey, do you sell the kung fu beard?
I am selling a kung fu beard. State your offer for it