We will all miss you air goof you influenced some important stuff you will not be forgotten.
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
hello again guys, My computer broke, had to use my dad's, I have a lot of stuff to do.
Just wanna make you guys know that I'm going to Canada Don't know when but i know its within today to june i think
I saw the new clan text, nice nice, then i saw the clan members, few. what happened?

Hey, guess what?

Well we still need get more people into beta. As far as i remember we need 9 members in the clan to become official and most official clans have like 20 members so i think we should keep trying bring people in the clan. And why did you kick LifeRegret?
Because you don't just leave in the middle of a war to play Mushu and invite the other Beta members to come 'hongout' with you...
My pet rock died today.
Well i don't disagree with you that was out of line. Anyways we still need members and members that wont make that mistake. We should give them rules to follow after we recruit them so it was are mistake there.
We Still need recruit more members
Last edited by jdawg2001; Apr 12, 2014 at 10:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump