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[MUS/VID] Jusmi - Glow (Chill)


Made a video for Jusmi's new song, enjoy =]



I had to render it in 30 second pieces and put it together at the end.
It would crash it I tried to render 1 minute at a time.
54 hours, 47 minutes total render time
Last edited by Slycooper; Apr 13, 2014 at 06:38 AM.
Originally Posted by Augans View Post
oh my that render time

worth it

not really imo. it looked epic for a bit but the audio reaction was kinda shitty, i wish i did a better job on that.

i want to make audio reactions like i did for jusmi's "cake"

or the pendulum videos

Very unique indeed. I want to be like you

I like the effects too but I would suggest making the background more than black? Maybe add a space ship in the background or something.

Pretty cool though, nice job.