Skyrim gets repetitive after a time......
Still prefer GTA V
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

I need to borrow that off a friend .-.

Also, both Elder Scrolls games that I've played (Oblivion and Skyrim) got repetitive and/or boring after completing the main quest line.
Most RPG games are like that, I find.
YEAH they do
Rockstar's games are best, I have completed GTA V 3 times to 100%
Still not bored

Apathetic User
Destiny looks like a kicker. But I will keep play Reach till it comes out.
Reach is just so bad ass up to now people on Xbox live play it. Never gets old you can get killed by ANYTHING
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

I preorder'd watchdogs but need to figure out where to pick it up.. link for Destiny?
Made by Fenris
Same place you preordered it from?

Also, just YouTube it.

Alsoalso, the new CoD game looks like it could be a great game. Also seems nothing like other CoD games at all though What do you guys think?