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Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
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Alright, new replay!

Here, I was focusing on movement and getting to my opponent

CnC is appreciated, but for all my replays, mention what it is out of /10, and if I have improved. I am also not worrying about poses until I actually get good at replays and start making them "official".

Attached Files
something im working on..rpl (123.2 KB, 8 views)
How do you kill one with no life?
Well, first of all the starter, i don't really like it, the weird thing you did at frame 420 or something like that, didn't liked it extending your knee when your knee was touching the ground and your foot wasn't it won't help really much and looks bad.I don't like grabby dm's so... i don't like the decap, and the decap itself was kinda bad, i don't like the switch grab you did after that, it looks weird, the following dm was bad (haven't you read what i said before? do your dm's with your foot, shin dm's looks weirds and bad sometimes and you may get more destruction by doing it with your foot). I either like that extended stiff legs while you are falling, that thing you did after you touch the ground (that extend/contract legs, rotate chest, contract/extend pecs) i kinda like it, after that, when you touched the ground and did that grab you should try to contract the other leg, and don't contract the knee, you may get a nice back flip/cork (it may not look really good tho, it looks good when you use gravity -30) well, i don't like the grab and the movement while you were grabing uke the last kick almost the only thing i like, it has much power and speed, but it wasn't well aimed, you should try to move a bit more your glutes, abs, lumbar, hips, etc, with that speed and that power you can get a boom, but it wasn't well aimed.

Well, i don't see much improvement here maybe a bit, but not really much. You are still kinda stiff with your movements, well, you were focusing on movements, and getting to your opponent i don't see why you want to do that, since getting to your opponent is only for multiplayer, after some time (some may be a lot) you will not get away from uke anymore, i mean, you're going to dm uke really fast and with no need to do a comeback (and you should try to start doing that, kill uke without doing a comeback)

well, it wasn't really good i give it a... 3.5-4/10 (i'm not really good giving the "x out of x")

oh btw, i think it's kinda.. stupid that about the pose, start doing the poses, it will give you more style to your replay, i mean, there's no need of doing poses when you make "official" replays. Btw other thing, try to be more faster when your dm's and doing more, a decap with an arm dm and a split... meh, that's not really impresive, it can be a split-cap, but don't add an unnecesary dm (arm in this case) if you do add extra dm's, it can be a boom, booms are really cool, and kinda hard to do, but they are maybe the best thing you can do.
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
Originally Posted by TMinster View Post
Beta from Ultimate? dang nice!

Beta as in the clan.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
Wow all that text =-O

I'll be sure to improve, but I won't fill this thread with phail replays.

Thanks for the cnc
How do you kill one with no life?