The problem with this particular situation (referring to the original topic) is that the Muslims in question don't understand the concept of immigration, and the subsequent unspoken laws that living in a new country entails.
You are moving to a new country. You have your customs and laws that you have abided by all your life. You must keep in mind that when you are in this new place, it is likely to be vastly different than what you are used to. You are also clearly going to be in the minority. You have to abide by the UK's laws. Not the other way around. This is its turf. It was here first.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Can you guys look up the page 'Britian First' on Facebook? It's a good example of the directed hate towards Muslims I was talkin about. Even though a few oftge things they post are worthy. Most of them are little things used to hate on Muslims.

Also, on one post there was a boy tortuted by a 'Muslim' butcher. A few more lines down the author of the text then says. 'All because he was white and he was attacked by Pakistanis'. At this point I just lost faith in everything. How many times do people die in England? A shit load, only a few will be hit by media and I rarely see media in Britain on someone who died and is not British. This post was using a serious event to foward its movement. It felt like saying the butcher was Muslim would help. And it did -_-.

What annoys me the most is that this page is targeting Muslims without using the real situation. Obvious discrimination.
Last edited by Kradel; May 11, 2014 at 10:21 AM.
I mean in my opinion, people hate Muslims really is because of what they see on television like 9-11, terrorist attacks and such. They are just, I guess to be afraid of something happening to them. Of course they are nice and cool Muslims but people don't see it that way. I guess that's how society works now? (Not to be like rude or anything. :I)
Team Sad
I agree with perfect, people got right to hate CERTAIN muslims, not all though

Apathetic User
I agree with DrWho and Perfect. Just as some christians are bad people, you can't judge all christians (or another religion).

Atheist btw.
Modo Bestia
People are right to hate certain members, not the whole group*

Just to show that concept would apply for everyone.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
People are right to hate certain members, not the whole group*

Just to show that concept would apply for everyone.

People have the right to hate whoever they want. Not saying it's a good thing just saying people can hate what they want to hate.
I see opinions being expressed - yet no discussion happening. Closed, since the discussion is mainly one sided.