Original Post
Phantom Mentor Programz
Introducing the new Phantom Mentor Program.

Phantom mentor program is a initiative new (old) idea. Every member of Phantom from Wraith and above (including leaders) shall be allocated 2 student by ofPhailure (haha made you do work Phail). Every member of Phantom who is below Demon shall be a student. Mentors shall teach and train (and love) their students. If a mentor see's fit they may talk to ofPhailure about upgrading their student(s) to a higher (or lower) rank.

So there you have it.

Mentors: Student(s): (To be filled in by ofPhailure )
OfPhailure- PayamT Drummer
ofPhridge- ( so picky )
Last edited by OfPhailure; Oct 13, 2008 at 10:43 PM.
Few question for ya, OhGee:

> Can some lower-ranked members teach too? I mean, if they're good at a particular mode then by all means they should right?
> Can higher-ups teach other fellow higher-ups?
> Are we gonna rely on our clan roster for ranks, or we will create a new ranking system just for this program? I mean, I suck at MP (D=) and I have to teach those better than me, so I think we should create a new ranking system for this, that is based on skill.
> Since this- like any other program- requires lots of participation from our fellow Phantoms, I wonder if this will work out? Some of the lower ranks are pretty inactive.
> Can I spam this thread?
> Are my questions annoying?
> Am I annoying?
> What's gonna happen tomorrow?

The list goes on...
Originally Posted by Geast View Post
Few question for ya, OhGee:

> Can some lower-ranked members teach too? I mean, if they're good at a particular mode then by all means they should right?
> Can higher-ups teach other fellow higher-ups?
> Are we gonna rely on our clan roster for ranks, or we will create a new ranking system just for this program? I mean, I suck at MP (D=) and I have to teach those better than me, so I think we should create a new ranking system for this, that is based on skill.
> Since this- like any other program- requires lots of participation from our fellow Phantoms, I wonder if this will work out? Some of the lower ranks are pretty inactive.
> Can I spam this thread?
> Are my questions annoying?
> Am I annoying?
> What's gonna happen tomorrow?

The list goes on...

Man, i hate you. You make me type.
> Nu they cant.
>Yes, if they want to
>Umm, yer sure whatever, but im not gonna organise it
>Then we will kick them
>Chuck Norris

I think Scatty's gone, OfGod :O

Also, I think it would be better if you assign a mentor who is good in say, wushu to a student who is quite decent in wushu but could improve. It could work the other way around too, assigning mentors who are good in wushu to peeps who suck at it, just to get 'em started. Also, I think Virus_Laborer should be a mentor :/

PS: *cough* I suck in wushu *cough*
Last edited by Geast; Oct 12, 2008 at 04:49 PM.
Honestly, i thought about it, and ofalmost and rayclovis are already good fighters. So change mine if possible
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