Christmas Lottery
Oh gawd he's back.

Anyway, suo, I understand it's entitled to a moderator to be "bugged" by said posts. But stupid people bug me all the time 24/7 and i'm sure everyone on this forum has to deal with the same shit.

People do get angry about posts, power or not. So what? When mods get angry and go into "YOU ARE A (bleep)ING MORON" mode, Their judgment becomes impaired And then they remember they have power and bad things happen.
Mod's are important and all, but for some of them, their balls are too big.

Can't help that shit, it's annoying for me too. ^ ~Dalir

(Just a note, This thread is not directed to the mods, This is just a discussion about backseat modding if you are finding it offensive)
Last edited by dalir; Oct 11, 2008 at 05:46 PM.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
Oh gawd he's back.

Anyway, suo, I understand it's entitled to a moderator to be "bugged" by said posts. But stupid people bug me all the time 24/7 and i'm sure everyone on this forum has to deal with the same shit.

People do get angry about posts, power or not. So what? When mods get angry and go into "YOU ARE A (bleep)ING MORON" mode, Their judgment becomes impaired And then they remember they have power and bad things happen.
Mod's are important and all, but for some of them, their balls are too big.

(Just a note, This thread is not directed to the mods, This is just a discussion about backseat modding if you are finding it offensive)

You gotta understand that the Toribash Community isn't exactly a democracy. At first I disliked a few of the moderators but now I see that they do their job pretty good and they're pretty cool people. It really isn't that bad.
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
i agreed with vx7, maybe the mods rules is so strict sometimes but i realized its for a good of community too.

Yes, someone has to keep our evil minds in line :O

Originally Posted by Vx7 View Post
You gotta understand that the Toribash Community isn't exactly a democracy. At first I disliked a few of the moderators but now I see that they do their job pretty good and they're pretty cool people. It really isn't that bad.

I don't dislike any of the mods. I think overall, they're doing a good job. I just think some of them take their power and use it to their standards and not for the actual community.

Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
You're wrong, ChrisDom. That is all.

Also, you're an idiot.

Now that was just uncalled for >:O
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
Yes, someone has to keep our evil minds in line :O

I don't dislike any of the mods. I think overall, they're doing a good job. I just think some of them take their power and use it to their standards and not for the actual community.

Now that was just uncalled for >:O

Lol, do we ever get along?...
Well the best we can do is hope for brighter future.
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
helping =/= backseat modding

backseat modding is when some noob comes up in a thread, and threatens that someone will be banned; when he has no power to do such a thing. Usually the backseat modder wants to sound like he has control, and is power hungry. At times they do it to try and prove to the mods they know how to moderate in hope of becoming a mod themselves- but in fact it pisses mods off and it lowers their chance of becoming a mod.

Think about that kid in primary school who told teachers about every little thing you done in hope that you would get told off.

Originally Posted by Jam0864 View Post
helping =/= backseat modding

backseat modding is when some noob comes up in a thread, and threatens that someone will be banned; when he has no power to do such a thing. Usually the backseat modder wants to sound like he has control, and is power hungry. At times they do it to try and prove to the mods they know how to moderate in hope of becoming a mod themselves- but in fact it pisses mods off and it lowers their chance of becoming a mod.

Think about that kid in primary school who told teachers about every little thing you done in hope that you would get told off.


The post above is also a good example of backseat modding. Hence the underlined bold..
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
I don't dislike any of the mods. I think overall, they're doing a good job. I just think some of them take their power and use it to their standards and not for the actual community.

Not that my opinion here would matter at all, but after the Thread went this way, let me add some random rant.
Actually i began to get that feeling as well over the last weeks but imho its getting better and better, the new more moderated Disscussion Fourm is new to the mods as well and i think some overdid in the beginning but nowadays i see some infractions again and far less instabans, so i really like it the way its now.
Not to say that i have allways appreciated the work and devotion they all invest.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
Originally Posted by Vx7 View Post
The post above is also a good example of backseat modding. Hence the underlined bold..

Back in the good old days, he was allowed to backseatmod. We all loved jam, and he loved us.

And mods dislike backseatmodding because it gives the backseatmodders big fat egos and a 'Holier Than Thou' attitude which tend to lead to personality disorders such as assholeism. That, and its most of the time posting for the sake of posting, with no real purpose apart from to say someone's done something wrong. If you wouldn't think a mod would see it, there's this handy thing called the Report button. Yes, you may have seen it. Backseatmods are either too dumb to use it or too blind to see it. Since they can see what they're typing, I'd have guessed too dumb.

Anyways, my rant over, no, not too far, all backseatmodders should be executed in the most humiliating and horrificly painful way. Or maybe given an informal or formal warning.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.