Welcome Gastank, I think I'm going to finish the clan story and fix all the ranks today (don't quote me on that).
@Master- Good Luck on becoming a Gm
@Zombie259- Yes, I do think we should all do LesDuncans Tourneys this week.
Also I thought up some Event that our clan can hold and that I can host for the experience for my GM application.
I list them below with stuff we need made for them:
The List
1. The (Au) you choose tourney!
-Make Thread
-Players Vote on Mod
-Use the winning mod for the tourney
2. Default (Au) Tourney
-Prizes/Tc for the winners
3. The (Au) King of Kill tourney
-Players send Tc to us to be eligible for the event
-The Players find their own match's
-They send us result's for each match (who won)
-Whoever gets the most wins in a row wins
4. Default (Au) Most points tourney
-Make PointDummy Account
5. (Au) Most DM's tourney
-Make DmDummy account
-Will be done in Mushu with no Dq
So those are my event ideas, tell me which ones you guys like and which ones we should host
Cant wait for feedback <3
Last edited by Submerge; May 12, 2014 at 10:42 PM.