Hi there. It is awesome that you are active on the forums at such a low belt. Try to stay that way it is a rare and valuable virtue to have. Explore what the "forum tools" in the bar at the top of the thread do and remember to subscribe to the threads you want to follow and check them from "quick links" and then "subscribed threads".
Random thing you should know which not enough newbies realise: pressing r replays single player fight as a replay (of you are trying to decapitate Uke then r will show the fight on a loop even if you press r before the timer ends.). Press p will pause and play once you are viewing replays and e will resume the fight from that point (so you can control movements like normal). This is useful for replay making because if you make a mistake and miss Uke's head while trying to decap or something you can replay the fight to the point you made the mistake then press p to pause to check you are at right point and then press e to change the movement.
I hope this helps you to be successful in Toribash because I wish I had been forum active at orange belt and you have a good opportunity. One last thing: don't do duelling and don't judge how good people are at the game by their rank or belt. If you have any questions post a reply here it private message me. I wouldn't advise posting another thread for each query you have. There are tutorials for most things so have a look.