Secret Santa 2024
Thanks snake actually i was the third() on the encore event i wanted to get on first on both but this 50 dollars+10k is kewl too
ehh tomorrow exam

my life depends on it if i get at least 60 percentage i cna go to university if not than i can go to lego and do fuckin shit works yey so i hope i will do well if i get 80 percent im totally in at the first thing i voted on
Good luck marci! I got 10th grade exams tomorrow and wednesday. Mine arent as big as yours though.. You should do fine, you seem pretty smart!
Insomnia, empty coffee cups, rationalizations about getting things done in the last 2 minutes, panic attacks - you're in for a sweet life lad :>
But why's the rum gone? :v
yay for steamrelease! \o/ tons of fresh meat to push arround. come online and join the fun, folks!

also i'm still alive! o7
COME PLAY TB, where u can move free and design your own moves. dont expect them to get rewarded with winning tho