Clbck: What period do you have off? We can change it to then, so you can come along. Another thing, don't you have Monday off?
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK The war is at 3pm for me, i say we have like a 45 minute delay and do it at 3:45 pm for me and KiTFoX.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
TacoBell: are you DesertPunk?

Also, we weren't talking about the war. Gay sex at Ishi's place.

It was fun.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
Well, obviously it is not happening today.

We are all good for this weekend.

So please tell us by Friday of this week when you all want to do this.

fucks this shit

i was gone for afew days and stuff happens? hax.

if you guys want to war, sure, who is in and what time are you good for?


On the weekdays, around 19:00GMT is best for us.

On the weekends, whenever.

Also, usually, the clan that declares war is the clan that decides what mode will be used. But I'd like to offer you guys a choice to pick a mod. We (being TAG) want to do two mods. We have chosen Wushu.

As you know, my clan is not massive. So we would like to decide how many fighters are going to be participating from each clan. I think 4 is a nice number. If you guys want more, please voice your preferences.

If you reviewed the whole thread, you would have read that I am calling for an official war. That is, the loser completely disbands their clan. No more forum or anything. I want to make sure you agree with this 100% before we do anything.

Some of your members, namely, BlackBear, think this is a dumb idea. And when you think about it, it's quite ridiculous, then again, I'm a little eccentric. If you're clan doesn't agree, we can call it off, no problems.

Thanks again.