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Autosave by system all replays in online database
I see that number of played matches in Toribash passed 87,119,941. Some good replays missed bcoz wasnt saved. So how about to save all replays online. Every online fight saved by toribash system online. Every replay get his original number
- the 87,119,941 game get id 87119941. Replay id will be written into to the replay file - so it can be way to verify that is original online replay. It means if any single symbol (except the replay name) in text of replay was changed the replay verfication fails. The replays will autouploading on toribash server/cloud
and everyone can to access to them by replay id or anyting else tags/uesrname/etc.

If all replays was saved from beginnig it was 8.1 TB database.
You can put on autosave replays in the options menu. Even if this were to be implemented permanently without stopping it, nobody would like 10k autosaved replays in their replay folder when they finally reach 10th dan, nuff said'
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Its not mean that all replays will save on players computers. I talk about somthing like this . But in my suggsetion the system uploads all replays instead users that upload selected replays.
there is an article that says that somewhere that there is a company recording all texts, phone calls and other phone related stuff that would waste about 500k on cash per year and holds up to yottabytes of calls

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Maybe from 100kk match it will implemented somehow. There is a lot of file storage services, some of them is free.
Useless. You're supposed to save the ones you want. Online db. Naaa personal db is enough. Usless waste to have an online db. Think about it. How would people find replays? By who? What DL tori? etc

Some people don't want them.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Too many...
...FUNDAMENTALS? Or whatever it is. It wouldn't work, at least very well.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.