Hmm zombie, leaving is always your choice and no fag can change that. But I personally dont understand why you think it's weird that you are unhappy after donating all your Tc. I already become depressed when I got less then 10k, no matter donated or lost in a bet. ;0
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@Zwouter Well i guess things change , @Zombie as much as it hurts to say it ........ i respect your choice in every way i hope there is no hard feelings between us or any member, but ill be sure to say hi to you in-game ,best of luck dude
Zombie259, well, you had a nice run and all, but [Obey] applying for them, pls. That is even worse than you leaving. Anyways, good luck and have fun (If you get it, you seem to fit in pretty well, gl). Welcome back Rainn, I am BuZe, your master. Zwouuuuter, losing 500tc makes me sad :(, I must be cheap, but oh well. Yuseseseseseesesese, meet me sometime it game or dota2 or LoL. I still suck at both and haven't gotten past the tutorial LOL. So like, I hosted this betting server with N3WB, I made 20k profits, bought a pure force and I have a holder, later I went back, beat a few people and I have about 18.8k. It was a good day, and I also was in a call with Submerge, Tsuion, TheDew, and Gastank for a pretty good amount of time, as you can tell in my siggy, I am a cereal killa, I made a rap that just demolished Subby with laughter. It was amazing, everyone should really get Skype, it is the bomb.
I got banned from Lol for a while.... i quit to much games #Shit team mates, guys say hi to Ezio please hes a nice guy and a hell of a replay maker, if you dont know who he is kill your self Jk he was one oh the 5 leaders of [xp] and he was amazing at it too so please give him a good welcome to the clan, Buzzy pl0x Irc chat #Aquaruis
pfft i metioned my skype but nobody likes me enough to talk to me on there. yall are mean XD anyways i has me a troll replay haha but i got a million points in the default mod haha :3 i hope you guys like working arms. oh btw my friend got banned D: so im sad now. cant play with her for two days :3 hahaha. oh yeah and guys there are gonna be specific weekends/days that i am not gonna be active ill let you guys know. but it is dealing with my paintball team. wehave scenarios and practices that have to be done :3 so ima go to bed now btw skype is scottymoore99
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

Yuse, you are THEBESTEVER. Also, you are not in the IRC. I am there pls Yusee. Yes I forgot to mention that in my post. Ezio is back, he surprised us while we were playing ABD. Welcome Ezio back to the clan. One of the best drive through employees EVER.
Last edited by BuZe; Jun 4, 2014 at 05:00 AM.
sorry for this boo boo post i just forgot the replay
Attached Files
working gears .rpl (139.5 KB, 8 views)
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

@zambie : All of we respect your decision , you got our respect and you are for my and i think for other people a example of good person , i will be happy if you get almost in-game sometimes with (Au) and talk with we, i will be more happy if you found a clan can do all you like and stay fun with you because you want that , thanks for the support zomb we will remember you anytime.

@eZuB : good post of all you do today dat profit the skype chat and the rap in my mind was incredible BTW xd i dont know but i started laughs when i read "i made a rap" i imagine all of the rap ( in spanish of course ).

@Rainn : Welcome back bro you have to post 10 replays of perfect suplexes ignore that :P , dude i never see you in-game xd .

People < Yuse rules in this section <3 : Anyone tried to join in Team Aikido ? you guys are good players and i think you can become a TA member :I.

Signed by PROVENZA
Thx guys <33333, ive aleays wanted to join Team Aikido but im a little fgt and is scared to apply, honestly I dont think I can make it I'm not good enough but I really want to with all my heart, or order of Teakkyon those are what I want to join most of all
Hey guys, I'm probably not a stranger to a lot of you, but to those of you who I am, I'm Ezio! I look forward to the new directions this clan will take and to build a stronger Aquarius with all of you. I'm happy to be your new leader along with Sub. Sub and I go way back.
It is my now my personal goal here to help bring this clan to a new place. A place where we are known as not only the newest official clan, but one where everyone has each other's backs. A family.

I will not let you down, and that's a promise I'm gong to keep.

Last edited by Ezio; Jun 4, 2014 at 05:21 AM.
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