Originally Posted by EdiTz View Post
Static force - 35k
Velvet force - 18k

Static force-29k max
Velvet force-15k max

Originally Posted by JackyDawg View Post
1.2k Neptune Blood and Sec Grad

1k for both
Originally Posted by JackyDawg View Post
Sorry, I am buying not selling. Should have cleared that up in the post. Unless you would like to sell for cheaper?

It was necessary to warn immediately.
1.7k for both
Neptune Blood
Neptune Secondary Gradient
[S] Santa hat and Surfer's Seishin!
Together - 25k
Separately - 17k Surfer Seishin and 11k Santa Hat
Last edited by Twat; Jun 14, 2014 at 06:34 AM.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Originally Posted by goughy1210 View Post
512 left bicep - 17.5k
Static force - 30k

512 left bicep-16k
Static force -27k

Originally Posted by Twat View Post
[S] Santa hat and Surfer's Seishin!
Together - 25k
Separately - 17k Surfer Seishin and 11k Santa Hat

No thx you.
Originally Posted by Yoko View Post
512 left bicep-16k
Static force -27k

No thx you.

Static force - 28k
512 Left bicep 17k and deal

Originally Posted by goughy1210 View Post
Static force - 28k
512 Left bicep 17k and deal

44 for both ?deal ?pls?
Originally Posted by goughy1210 View Post
eh fine. Send when you want

You've sent 44000 TC to goughy1210.

Thx u for deal ))