With your post you must explain wether you are buying, selling or trading.
With your post you mush give me your starting offer
With your post you must list and price the items individually
You must read the rules before you post
Take into account my qi and tc
Ignorance of these rules will consequence in a report
I currently have 86,272 tc and i have 5000 qi
I will reply to your offer in either a pm or a quote and counter offer(s) in a post on this thread
And if items are not addressed with market price its because there is non in market.
shaman left leg x2 (1.1k in market)
Mysterio Timer (4k in market. )
Plasma blood. (5.4k in market)
Raptor ghost. (10k in shop. )
Shaman ghost. (6k in market. )
Velvet force. (18 k in market)
Aikido champ (15k in market)
256 right bicept (8k in market)
viridian force (6.4k in market)
If you want to find a better deal look in my market and offer via pm on the item you want with a stated price
Expensive colours (platinum, azurite, imperial ect)
Forces/lax. (Joint colours, That are valued ofer 5k)
Hairs/hat. (Mayan warrior, gents, dark duke ect)
Full sets. ( take into account the amount of tc i hav)
128 textures. (full or singular texture)
256 textures. (Full or singular texture)
526 textures. (Full or singular texture)
Joint textures (128 only and only singularly)
If your item isnt on my list give me a pm and your stated price.
Trading is currently closed but will be open for future marketin.
Last edited by Problemz; Jun 30, 2014 at 01:31 PM.