Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[REAPP] Dmau5
It's been a month since my last app, and I believe I am ready to apply with the best hopes of being accepted.

Background Introduction
Name: Alex
Nationality: American
Age: 18
GMT: -5:00

My name is Alex, I'm 18 years old and I'm from San Antonio, Texas (Go Spurs). I'm going to be attending the University of Texas at San Antonio in a few months; I enjoy DJing, gaming, and computers . I've played Toribash for some-4 years now, and I believe I have a full grasp of the concept and mechanics of this game

Why would I like to join?
I believe that Tribe has a large variety of extremely experienced and professional players. Tribe is an elite clan to say the least, and I would be extremely proud to call myself a member. This clan has a very stringent process of doing things, which results in a top notch clan. I believe I could better Tribe by not only growing because of all the members, but growing with them as well. I can say that of all the clans I've seen recently, Tribe sticks out like a sore thumb. Not only are you guys active all the time, but your in-game skills are unparalleled. It's astonishing, honestly. It's as if each of you have a skill, or a mod that you completely dominate at; then you put it all together to form Tribe. It's a clan filled with nothing less than perfection and yet you still find ways to make it better; and that, is why I would like to join Tribe.

Toribash Background
Alternates: BIack, N9ght
Belt: 3rd Dan
Rank: 1013
Win%: 48.73
Activeness (In-Game) 2 hours a day
Activeness (Forum/IRC) 14 hours a day. Tribe forum is open as soon as I wake up every day. I'm in IRC all day unless I am traveling or at an event.
Groups: None
Previous Clans: Clan, Red, Tint

I consider myself very talented at any variant of Aikido, Wushu, and Lenshu mods. I also consider myself an above average replay maker. Replays that you might have seen from me are Enigma, Sailboats, and I Am Death. These 2 talents are rivaled by what I like to think is my biggest skill: Flexibility. I can pick up mods after 1 or 2 matches, and play as if I had been playing them for months at a time. I take pride in my flexibility as it has not only made me a very adaptable and accomplished player, but it has also given me the opportunity to meet new, sociable players in the Toribash community.My weaknesses would probably be that I don't have any MP replays that are recent. When I don't have the chance to be online, I.E: When I'm traveling, I find myself on Toribash making SP replays, which is why I think I've gotten pretty good at it. Trial and error is the way to go with SP replays, and I've errored quite a bit in my trials.

Thank you for considering me as an applicant, and for taking the time to review this application. I wish the best of luck to each of you, and to Tribe as a whole. This clan is extremely well put together, and I know that it has a big future ahead of it. Replays will be provided below. Thank you very much


Edit: Added RKMMA replay
Attached Files
#Shotgun.rpl (35.8 KB, 9 views)
#Dmau5-Bread And Butter.rpl (112.1 KB, 8 views)
#MyNameIsDeath.rpl (106.7 KB, 9 views)
#Sailboats.rpl (129.3 KB, 10 views)
Dmau5 - Enigma.rpl (57.9 KB, 10 views)
RKMMA-001.rpl (85.3 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by DMau5; Jul 1, 2014 at 05:51 AM.
Ego and his whip cream nipples:
you're licking way too much ass
your replaymaking is not above average

the application is fine, replays are fine, haven't played you ingame yet so i'll chillax with my vote for now
The sp replays are alright-good, your mp ability is decent, but I would like you to improve on that front, also you seem to have a pretty formal attitude. Feel free to change my mind on the IRC (Once I get that working) or in-game; For right now I am neutral.
It's like manbeatle can read my mind ... this is exactly what I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to formulate it. As he said, cool sp replays, decent mp, but I somehow can't really convince myself to give you a yes, mostly because of your attitude and behaviour ... something is wrong with that for me, I just don't know exactly what. So ... I'm neutral for now / leaning towards no.
Overly competitive or ingame based, I would say. We've talked only three or four times, and that talk has been about going ingame and playing. For a few days, forget about ingame and just socialize in our channel... like normal applicants. >.>
No from me

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Destram View Post
It's like manbeatle can read my mind ... this is exactly what I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to formulate it. As he said, cool sp replays, decent mp, but I somehow can't really convince myself to give you a yes, mostly because of your attitude and behaviour ... something is wrong with that for me, I just don't know exactly what. So ... I'm neutral for now / leaning towards no.

i can't say yes, even though your ingame is good enough

no from me
He is a nice guy and passionate about his music so I vote yes. I can see why people vote no. Dmau should try to be more himself and less how he thinks we want him to be.
How are you?