Wouldn't mind that gladiator emote. I'll take any 5 random items >_>. Also, can you reserve that acid sec grad... for a while?
When god gives you lemons, YOU FIND A NEW GOD.
I want to buy all marine trails:

Marine Right Hand Motion Trail- 400tc
Marine Left Hand Motion Trail- 400tc
Marine Right Leg Motion Trail- 400tc
Marine Left Leg Motion Trail- 400tc

PM me when to send credits.
Reflux: Please be more specific on what you would like for free. And sorry but i am no longer putting items on hold. No one ever comes back to take them.

evolution6: Ok ill send the items as soon as i get the toricredits.

Thearael: Send the tc whenever you want. Now would be good.

As you can probably see i now have everything from the marine section for sale at half price. I will also be selling Quicksilver Torso and Relax but not at half price.