Tribe Clan League 2k14
Right guys. Crunch time.
Clan league coming up and some decisions need to be made.
This means, as the title suggests, we play seriously. We play to win and we go hard. I choose who plays based on winning, not getting everyone a match, not fairness. Everyone can hold their own ingame, but I pick based on what i think will win us the round.
We play so everyone can play, we don't care about winning. Title suggests it all, we don't take it, or ourselves, particularly seriously.
Personally, I vote serious. I think if we're going to take anything seriously, it should be the clan league and it was really fun to play competitively for once when I played for Urban in 2013.
So here it goes.
If you choose serious I'll be a hard ass, if you choose fun I won't care :O
P.S if you vote and you're not in Tribe I will infract you, no two ways about it. This is serious clan business.