Original Post
keys for the clan
I've read that we can buy keys for forum creds. 20k for one key. I think it'll took a month to earn it. At the moment i got 3k, perhaps the reged players could spent some creds to get 20k for one key. We give this key to one of our nonreged players, and this one can earn the credits for the next key....who should get the first key?, We could make a clantournament, the winner will get the first key. What do you think about it?
It has to start somewhere. It has to start somehow. What better place than here. What better time than now

wah-wah chicka wah-wah chicka-chicka-chicka
Re: keys for the clan
make sure to keep your credits in the bank so it earns interest. short term just play alot and earn those credits, long term we will collect credits together to buy keys for other members.
Re: keys for the clan
this is a good idea, I like the free key part I like the clan tournament part, we should definitely have that
Re: keys for the clan
Hi guys,

Does anybody knows something more about those reg key tournaments?
How you can participate in those tournaments?
I want to play such a tournament because I need a key for toribash.
Can anybody please give me some more information.

I'm also tryng to join the DAT clan, I just need to win of one of you guys.

Re: keys for the clan
well, I think you meant the Dikarika's regkey tourney?
if tournament ->
and there the second reply, Dikarika tournament retry, read the first post to get the idea, and post ;)
Good idea to keep an eye on event board...
But if your looking for info about DAT tourney, I will join the quest ;)
Re: keys for the clan
until we are all DAT's, ill help RAGE getting a key.