I've been playing toribash for 2 years+ (Alts)
I have extreme power in some cases, i am very active and will support. My fav mod is bigdojo, I will be moving back to ITA soon... I am a blue belt (on other black belt)
I spar sometimes not always, My best friend is N3WB, fav animial: whale
fav person (on toribash): Swexx
I play alot on bet servers, big dojo and relax servers.
I always check and post everyday on this disscusion.
Registration end.
Oh and my last clan was velocity or something.
I appreciate all members and i luv you all
good luck flopping on enemie whales.
hey guys i am the franman
and i Want to join this clan because you guys rock and i rock
so Why not make this clan even more rocky
my best games are akido,lenshu,and Wushu
i am very active and play around 4-6 hrs
i am trying to be alot more active on forum post
my previous clans Were velocity,vocaction.
i knoW gradeger Who recommended me to this clan
and i really like u guys
Hey clan im axelsXD im 14 years old (real name alex) playing toribash 3 years at all, but i re-started to play in june. my favorite mods: aikidobigdojo, boxmushu, lenshu3ng. I know [u] is cool clan with cool members cause i was in [u] once with nick-ilby. I hope you will invite cause im very good player in popular mods, and i want be with good members, friends.
P.S i love this tag.
I say no new members until clan league is over. Ian is posting so if he wants to take charge he has the right to.
I say no new members until clan league is over. Ian is posting so if he wants to take charge he has the right to.