Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S] Orbit
**Attention: This flame has not been forged yet, any offers below forge price are ignored.


Flame GIF

Since this flame has not been forged yet, it has benefits.

I can change the main color (purple) and the secondary (black) to anything you want.

I can also change the direction the flame is going, like so.





The forge price of this flame is 131600TC, I am not very familiar with flame costs, so my bad if this is rather high.

I also want to point out if I have accidentally made a copy of someones flame, please tell me so I can close this.

I suppose I am looking for offers above the forge price, doesn't have to be too high, just reasonable.
And when the tori moves? I've a Zeto Flame, and Acid Flame, 2 rare flames.

Depending if i like the flame we can do a trade. :P I really liked seeing the pics.
2 galaxy's colliding would be my best analogy for what it looks like I suppose, as it scatters across the map some. If I could figure out how to make it stable I would try to make that work, it would lose the rotation though.

TC only since its not forged.
Just a tip, it's pretty much impossible to make it stable, the orbit is orbital on the head now, so the flame is trying to get to the head and then explode. So when you move and the flame touches the head then it's ruined.
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