Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[S] Cake's Own Quads
I'm finally selling off my Quads. Some TC it cost me back then. /dl and /lp me for better perspectives and timesteps. Below are the screenshots shown in default and dark shaders.

Being honest, I'm looking for around 330k for these (all of them). Hold on now, don't bring out your calculator and find how much per each flame I'm charging. Take it as a set. Regardless of all these factors, offer, I'll consider.

I'm selling them all four at once, or in two pairs (i.e. hands and foot).

82.5k per flame? Before you ask, I didn't use a calculator I'm just good at math.

160k all max.
"An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men." ~Charles Darwin