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[R] Some re-working
So I just got this, and need someone to make the color from orange to the normal tori white color(That includes bits of the colored part of the textures itselves), and get rid of some of the blur (like in the breast for example)
I'll pay somewhere around 1-15k? (It's my first time requesting like this, please don't bite my head off)
If you can do this, send me a PM.
There you go.. but you forgot a few bodyparts , please send me the missing textures by PM and i'll do these aswell. (I believe the missing bits are j_abs and j_r_hip :

not to be rude or anything, but whoever sold you this "set" obviously didn't put much effort into it.. he used mudbox and he clearly doesn't know how to handle this program very well ..
It looks like he just googled "tribal eagle" .. took the first picture and saved it, and used the picture as a stencil on mudbox .. pressed mouse1 .. and exported all layers .. this literally takes 2 minutes to do and I doubt he spent more than that doing this.
The blur is part of any badly made mudbox-based sets .. I can't do much to improve it since I don't have the project file, sorry.

I made it look as good as I could .
I might come back soon, stay tuned !