Why not? The brand is, in my opinion, awesome and they hold the same apparel as any other sports brand. What's not to like?
I had these shoes for aaaages:
EDIT: *Similar shoes to this. It didn't say Americana. But they were fully like that ^
Another thing I could be hyped about are the new crew members to the Nike skateboarding team. James James, Moey and nugget all fully put in the work and used to skate my local all the time, and now I see moey's pictures all over skateboard journal, james james films for nike now and nugget has been in many a street league now, not even sure if he's won it or not.
It's just crazy that one minute, Moey had nicknames for me and james was droppin acid and then next minute, they're travelling with nike.
So I have to say that makes me hyped about Nike, to see anything that comes out by James or Moey is just awesome and surreal. Definitely gets me hyped.
Ah it's crazy how times change.
Last edited by Peter; Aug 2, 2014 at 02:56 AM.