Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[s] TC for 8.5k/usd.
2 conditions :
-You will accept to send the money as a gift.
-You will add a note with this message
"Payment for virtual items, I will not chargeback under any circumstances."

I'm not selling 1 dollars worth of TCs here and there .. go big or go home.
Not selling less than 20 usd at a time.

If you agree and you're interested, PM me ;)
I might come back soon, stay tuned !
Do I get a special if I buy more than 20 USD?
May I also inquire how you acquired the tc?
I'm an artist/texturer ... 99 % of my TCs come from selling arts / texture.
I sold a total of 565 k so far to various individuals.

I only have 185k left .. so 185/8.5 = 21.7 usd

I can do a small discount since you pay more than 20 usd yeah, and sell 185k for 21.2 usd.
PM me if you're interested
Last edited by kremline; Aug 1, 2014 at 10:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I might come back soon, stay tuned !