Christmas Lottery
I informed a few of their players about the war at that time but only ONE showed up despite the fact there were at least 3 online.

They're not even trying to fight us...
Hi guys, I'm gonna be inactive for a while cuz I'm build a gaming pc!

Just letting u no bros.

Sent from my iPhone 3

Desperately trying to get back into TB...

Despite the fact that we do technically deserve to be removed from CL because we couldn't procure four members, it doesn't change the fact that [Obey] treated us like shit and were completely hostile. I'm just going to put the event behind us and move forward, starting with the new event I posted.

Honestly, the event itself wasn't a good fit for how this clan operates as of right now, considering the fact that we only have a few active members. Hopefully we'll get more application traffic in the coming weeks.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Seems that event very useful for our clan
if only I could active in-game right now...
Or, can we do it via PM ?

Discord : bintangfal
It doesn't matter how you bring in applicants. The only thing that matters is that they say that you referred them within their application and they get accepted.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]